Saturday, January 5, 2008

if there's nothing posted here...

then check my NSV blog.... I'd just like to thank all the new people for stopping by my blog! Its kinda fun to know people are actually reading :)

Also I've "unlocked" my photo page for the next little while--I didn't like the idea of just ANYone seeing my scary pics so if your interested click here

To those on the Shannon's Easter Challenge- I've ben doing my best to visit all of your blogs but some of the links aren't working for my computer- so if you feel left out I havn't made an comments- drop my a comment here and link and I'll book mark you!

Off to walk the DOGGIE!

also I have a post below- that is discussing perception of weight vs sizes....i'm not trying to offend any one- but take a peek if you'd like to


Christine said...

Hey! I am joining in on the Easter Challenge this coming Monday. Scared shitless of course to weigh in - I have been hiding from the scale for several weeks now. Ha. Looking forward to keeping an eye on your blog and BOTH of our progress!

Lidian said...

Hi there! I'll check out your other blogs, and look forward to reading you regularly - have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by CITS - Lidian

angie said...

New reader here! Thanks for sharing your pics with us! I find you VERY inspirational and look forward to getting to "know" you and reading more of your journey. I've got over 100 lbs to lose myself and I've been struggling for a long time. I went out in search of other blogs to inspire and motivate me on my own journey and yours was one that I really liked.

Together, we can do this!

Unknown said...

I tried to leave this comment on your picture page (on the post that said I could, but it wouldn't allow me), so I'm posting it here. :)

You were such a beautiful bride! I absolutely love your wedding dress!

I think you should keep your picture page up, you'll definitely see your progreass and it may help motivate others. But of course, you have to be comfortable with the idea.

pointing the weigh said...

RE-Garding blog entry below.

I agree with the girls, folk do carry weight differently.
When I was 11 stone (154lb)I had to go for a check up and when I got weighed the nurse said I didn't look that heavy.

I heard something on TV a few years ago about fat pockets in the body and that when we are young and the way we eat determines how much fat pockets our body CREATES and stores.

They described it like those ice cube bags thingy's, you know the ones, they are one large plastic bag with individual pockets, you fill the bag up and the pockets fill with water, well, we have similar pockets in the body and when we eat fat we are filling the pockets out with fat and thus creating fat pockets and once we have those fat pockets we have them and then we just have to empty them again and try to keep them was something like that.

RE-Comment 12 stone is 168lb
14lb = 1 stone

Enjoy your day/evening

Hugs to you xx

Teale said...

I'm gonna add your blogs to my sidebar & my google reader! PS, I checked out your stamp page, LOVE IT! I love creative hobbies, your work is great!

Linds said...

I know what you mean about looking a certain weight and being a certain size! It's frustrating when you see someone that looks bigger than you but is significantly lower weight than you... just kinda disheartening... but shouldn't matter though.

Good for you for your nsv! I was looking at the movie one is fantastic... that's one that i struggle with!

Carolyn said...

Wow. Your pictures are really amazing. You've come so far! ANd you're gorgeous... you have a beautiful face! I've always been a bit plain, but the weight jsut makes me look worse. Honestly, your face is so pretty! Your wedding photo's remind me of my hometown in Antigonish... *sigh. I should have a version of that picture in October... :D
You're an inspiration... wow! Keep it up! And thanks for always checking my blog.. I appreciat eit!

Linds said...

Oooo i just saw the picture of your hair! I love it!! It really suits you!

Anonymous said...

love the new hair!

Hanlie said...

Thanks for opening up the pics. You're very pretty... I got married just over a month later than you on 24 Sept 2006.

You are doing so well!!!

Trisaratops said...

Oh that's hard. I'm sorry you were feeling badly. I second everyone's comments-this isn't a major setback, and I think you're doing so well overall! Also, meant to tell you that your wedding pics are gorgeous. Also, love the pic of you in glasses - super cute!

Fat Prison- seen on a couple different websites-

I want to tell you about a very unusual sort of prison. It's called Fat Prison. Why is it so unusual? Because it's completely voluntary.
No one sends us to Fat Prison, we send ourselves!

What's it like to be a fat prisoner? The rules are very strict. To begin with, each prisoner must wear regulation uniform. This consists of a baggy skirt or elasticated pants. Most prisoners pretend they don't mind walking around in this shapeless uniform, but secretly they hate it. They'd much rather walk down the street in a slim pair of jeans.
Exercise is strictly controlled Swimming or playing with children is forbidden. And no prisoner may walk more than a few yards at a time. The penalties for breaking this rule include sweating, shortness of breath, soreness and fatigue. After a few years without any sort of proper exercise, prisoners become so soft that the very idea of movement terrifies them. If you don't believe me, go up to a fat prisoner and suggest a nice long walk in the fresh air!
Everyday life The main feature of everyday life inside Fat Prison is tiredness. Prisoners carry lots of extra weight around on their bodies, so not surprisingly they suffer from chronic fatigue. Result? After doing their daily chores, most of them slump down exhausted in front of the TV.
Even when they allow themselves a night out, many prisoners find it difficult to enjoy themselves. They feel awkward about their shape so instead of mixing with other people they tend to sit in the corner with other fat prisoners.
Prison Mentality After many years of locking themselves away inside their Fat Prison, many prisoners develop a prison mentality. They lose confidence in themselves and their ability to "go straight". They look at slim people and think: "I'm never going to be like them!" They think they are doomed to stay in Fat Prison, forever. Result? They let themselves go completely.
Bad for Health Fat Prison is very bad for prisoners health. Don't forget, the greater our weight, the greater the strain on our joints and spine. And the fatter we grow, the harder our heart has to work to keep us going. No wonder so many fat prisoners get ill!
Depressing Fat Prison is a depressing experience, not only for the prisoners but also for their families. In fact, the children of fat prisoners often grow up to become prisoners themselves. It's a vicious cycle.
Question So why do so many people end up in Fat Prison? And even more important, why don't they leave once they discover how awful it is?
Answer Because they prefer to eat cookies, chocolate, potato chips, popcorn, doughnuts, fatty meat and creamy desserts. They know that this stuff makes them fat but they don't care. They'd rather go to prison than give up their regular mouthful of fat. *Some may have other reasons
Are you a fat prisoner? Have you locked yourself up in your own private Fat Prison? If so, here's some advice. Don't waste another day of your life in jail. Get out now!
All you have to do is stop eating junk and start eating properly and you can walk free tomorrow.
It may take a few months before your weight returns to normal, but your tiredness will lift immediately and within a week you'll feel ten times better. So what are you waiting for?Get out of your Fat Prison today and start really living!